

宝登山 (ほどさん)

  • Area: 秩父
  • Height: 497m
  • 山と高原地図: No.22 奥武蔵・秩父


宝登山までのアクセス 電車もしくは .

電車: 秩父鉄道の長瀞駅が最寄り。



車でのアクセス: 宝登山ロープウェイ乗り場の前に大きな駐車場があり、徒歩5分程度の坂のしたには宝登山神社の駐車場もある。



小さなお子様連れの方へ: 長い距離を歩けないお子様がいる場合、ロープウェイ乗り場までは無料シャトルバスか、乗り場直結の駐車場を使うのがおすすめ。

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ロープウェイ / トイレ / レストラン / ピクニックができる場所


大人(12歳以上): ¥480 (片道), ¥820 (往復)

子供 (6~12歳): ¥240 (片道), ¥410 (往復)





御岳山 (みたけさん)

  • Area: 奥多摩
  • Height: 929m
  • 山と高原地図: No.24 奥多摩


アクセス 電車⇨バス, もしくは.

電車とバスでのアクセス: 新宿から:中央線で立川で中央線青梅線に乗り換えて御嶽駅下車。(新宿から直接青梅行きの電車に乗れば乗り換え不要)


車でのアクセス: 滝本駅に駐車場あり。 7:10am ~ 7:00pm(コロナ禍で変更の可能性あり)。

駐車料金: ¥350 1時間 / ¥1500/日

バイク駐輪料金: ¥500/日

自転車駐輪料金: ¥200/日

大型車: ¥2600/日

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メインルート御岳山道 所要時間1時間20分程度

登山鉄道駅 (御岳山駅) ~ (10 mins) ~ ビジターセンター ~ (10 mins) ~ 神代欅(けやき) ~ (5 mins) ~ 中里介山碑 ~ (10 mins) ~ 武蔵御嶽神社~ (35 mins) ~ 御岳山駅


御岳山駅) (御岳山駅) ~ (30 mins) ~ 長尾平分岐点 (長尾平分岐点) ~ (20 mins) ~ 七代の滝 ~ (15 mins) ~ 天狗岩 ~ (30 mins) ~ 綾広の滝~ (40 mins) ~ N長尾平分岐点 ~ (25 mins) ~ 御岳山駅

武蔵御嶽神社〜長尾平コース 所要時間1時間20分程度.

御岳山駅~ (10 mins) ~ ビジターセンター ~ (25 mins) ~ 武蔵御嶽神社 ~ (5 mins) ~ 長尾平 ~ (25 mins) ~ 御岳山駅

ケーブルカー / トイレ / レストラン / ピクニックができる場所


大人: ¥600 (片道), ¥1130 (往復)

子供: ¥300 (片道), ¥570 (往復)


10kg以下: ¥130 (片道), ¥260 (往復)

10kg以上: ¥260 (片道), ¥520 (往復)

自転車を載せる料金: ¥130 /片道(往復:260円)


高尾山 (たかおさん)

  • Area: 神奈川
  • Height: 599m
  • 山と高原地図: No.28 高尾・陣馬


アクセス:電車 もしくは


1. 京王線で新宿駅から高尾山口駅まで特急で約50分 運賃¥390。

2. 中央線で高尾山駅まで行って、京王線に乗り換え、高尾山口駅下車。

車でのアクセス: 駐車場は2ヶ所あります。

1.高尾山薬王院祈祷殿駐車場 8:00am 開場 料金:¥1000/日。 250台収容


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難易度や目的に応じてコースが選べるのが高尾山の魅力の一つ。1号路は一番登り易く、コースの大半が舗装されている道です。自然に囲まれた道の方がいい!という方は6号路のびわ滝ルートがオススメ!. 標準タイムはどちらのコースも登り100分、下り80分程度。登山に慣れていない方や、家族連れの場合はもう少しかかるかもしれません。休憩の時間を 少し多めに見積もると自分の目標タイムがわかります。体力が心配なら、ケーブルカーが無難で、下りだけ歩きというのもアリ!リフトもあるのでどなたでも楽しめます。

Trails PDF (English)



¥490 (片道), ¥950 (往復)

リフト: 営業時間:9:00~16:30 (12月から4月は9:00~16:00)

¥490 (片道), ¥950 (往復)



  • Area: 神奈川
  • Height: 857m
  • 山と高原地図: No.28 高尾・陣馬




1: 京王線で新宿ー高尾駅 所要50分程度。料金:¥367

2: 中央線で新宿ー高尾駅 所要47分程度。料金:¥561


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陣馬山登山口から頂上までの所要時間は90分程度。途中少し急な斜面があるものの、難易度的には初中級といったところで、経験の少ない方でも問題なく登れます。普段から運動をしている方には簡単に感じるくらいかもしれません。 しっかりと長距離を歩けるお子さんだと家族連れでも問題ありません。

トイレ / レストラン / ピクニックに適した広場


茶屋: 軽食や飲み物を売っている茶屋が山頂に3軒あります。 夏期は朝9:00オープン。店主こだわりのコーヒーはオススメ!


Mount Nokogiri 鋸山

  • Area: Chiba (千葉)
  • Height: 329m

Perfect for people who love learning about history and culture. Nokogiri was once a quarry, and the trails leading up the mountain are like an open-air museum with areas to stop and read about both its history and the people who worked there. On the other part of the mountain is a Buddhist temple that was first founded in the Nara period around 725 A.D with the biggest stone Buddha in Japan. Nature lovers will not be disappointed either as the mountain trails are brimming with flowers and blossoms.

Mount Nokogiri is accessable via train, express bus or by car.

It is a long train ride from Shinjuku

If you are traveling from Tokyo, then the easiest route is on the Aqua Line road. The road runs half under the sea and half over water. Once you arrive at Nokogiri there are several car parks. If you decide to park in the cable car parking lot, it is free, as long as you take the cable car at least one way. Our favourite method is to hike up and take the cable car back down.

There are 2 more car parks at the top of the mountain. The first one requires you to take a toll road costing ¥1000, but there are no parking fees at the top. The second road takes you to the car park right next to the stone Buddha, this is the one you will need to take if you have mobility issues. At the time of writing, there are no fees for that road or carpark. However, it is entirely possible that this has changed or will change in the future. There are other small carparks around the town.

Car Access
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If you decide to take the trails, there are a lot of old worn and sometimes quite dangerous steps. On top of that the trails are uneven to say the least, so make sure to wear a good pair of ankle supporting hiking boots. We don't recommend the trails with children under 10 years old.

There are thousands of steps (2639 steps according to Google) which makes it difficult for people with mobility issues. Even if you take the cable car up to the temple and stone Buddha area, you will still need to take many flights of stairs, and then take them back to the cablecar again. If you plan to take pictures on the famous Jikoku Nozoki cliff, you will need to be wearing good gripping sports shoes. There are no steps and getting up there is a semi-climbing experience. For those with mobility issues, there is a carpark right next to the Buddha statue and temple. Although sadly you won't be able to see other attractions without taking stairs, the statue alone is magnificent and there are beautiful views over the surrounding area from the nearby benches.

Temple Map
Area map with hiking routes

Cable Car / Toilets / Restaurant

Cable Car Fares

Adults (over 12 years): ¥500 (one way), ¥950 (round trip)

Children(6~11 years): ¥250 (one way), ¥450 (round trip)

Opening Hours

Nov 16th ~ Feb 15th 9:00~16:00

Feb 16th ~ Nov 15th 9:00~17:00

In peak summer times the cable car stays open until 18:00

Nokogiriyama Ropeway Website (English)
Nokogiriyama Ropeway brochure

Restaurants and refreshments

There is a canteen at the top ropeway.

There are famous restaurants at the base of the mountain serving aji fry (breaded fried horse mackerel), BBQ shellfish, sushi and more. The famous aji fry restaurant can sometimes run out of fish before their official closing time.

There are vending machines selling cool drinks in various areas of the temple side of the mountain


There are restrooms at both ends of the ropeway, as well as next to the Giant Buddha car park.

Hatonosu Valley Hike 鳩ノ巣渓谷

  • Area: Okutama (奥多摩)

Take a scenic walk along the river and through the woods. A great hike for beginners who want to experience different types of terrain.

The valley is accessable via train.

Train: From Shinjuku take the JR Chuo Line to Ome Station (青梅). You may need to change at Tachikawa Station depending on the train you get. Once at Ome Station, switch to the JR Ome Line (青梅線) get off at Okutama Station (奥多摩駅).

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Moderately easy 8.5km hike which can be cut shorter as you pass 2 stations on the way.

Okutama ~ Koji

If you take the Okutama to Koji route, there is very little incline, most of the route is flat or downhill

Koji ~ Okutama

Going the opposite way, you will have some uphill stretches and steps to climb.

Toilets / Restaurants / Picnic area

Picnic Area: There are picnic tables near to the dam. There are also plenty of pebble beaches and rocky areas that are great for picnics.

Restaurants: There are several stations along the way with great restaurants. There is a delicious hamburger steak restaurant near the river, pizza restaurants and traditional restaurants serving kamameishi.

Toilets: There are toilets outside the stations and more toilets at various points along the trail.